CrossFit is a way of fitness that combines a lot of
different sports such as; weightlifting, endurance and
gymnastics in one training form. Our classes contain a
strength or skill part and also have cardio work with a
high intensity, as quick or as long as possible. The
CrossFit class is our main class and you'll find these
classes running multiple times every day throughout the

The Hyrox classes are designed to improve your aerobic endurance and help you become a healthier, more well-rounded individual. With a focus on longer time domains and simple, non-complex exercises, these 30-40 minute workouts are accessible to all fitness levels. Classes are held Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6:40pm, and Tuesday and Thursday at 6:45am.

The goal of the Weightlifting classes is mainly on
improving technique of the snatch and Clean & Jerk,
where the step-by-step explanation ensures that you can
jump into every lesson, regardless of your level. You'll find
these classes every Tuesday and Thursday from 18:40-